
Our Professionals

  • Li-Cherng WANG
    Patent Agent/CAP Patent Agent Qualification

    Dr. Wang currently works as assistant manager (technology) for the Giant Group, drafting patent specifications, drafting responses to office actions, filing invalidation applications, conducting patent search and analyzing infringements in specialties, such as biotechnology (molecular biology, cellular biology, biochemistry, biology and microbiology), chemistry (organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry), bioinformatics, medical equipment, and agriculture. Dr. Wang deliver customized patent-related lectures to Taipei Public Policy Association, Atomic Energy Council, Center of Innovative Incubator of National Tsing Hua University, National Federation of CPA Associations, and enterprises, such as Thermaltake Group, and Jinglay Corporation. 

    Ph.D. Degree in Horticulture, National Taiwan University
    M.S. Horticulture, National Taiwan University
    B.S. Department of Horticulture, National Taiwan University
    B.S. Department of Law, National Taiwan University

    Assistant manager (technology), Giant Group
    Patent engineer, Giant Group
    Assistant patent examiner in commutation for military service, Taiwan Intellectual Property Office
    Pharmacology, biochemistry, aquaculture, chemical engineering, biotechnology, cellular biology, microbiology, immunology, and plant physiology.

  • Peter YANG
    Senior Patent Engineer
    M.S. degree, National Taiwan University, Department of Mechanical Engineering

    Research Assistant of National Taiwan University

    Patent Prosecution, Patent Invalidation Action, Patent Infringement Assessment, Patent Design Around
  • Antonio LIN
    Japanese Section Chief
    Mr. Lin is currently in charge of the Japanese Group in the Engineering Department of the Company, who is mainly responsible for processing relevant intellectual property cases in Japanese. Since 1999, he has worked in the patent field for more than 20 years, involving specification writing in Japanese, refusal defense, patent search, patent validity opinion analysis, patent infringement identification, patent-related impeachment procedures, patent infringement litigation, etc. Mr. Lin once worked for both Chinese and Japanese patent law firms.
    Master of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Tatung University
    Work Experience
    Tai E International Patent & Law Office
    Yamaguchi & Associates, Patent Engineer
    Tsar & Tsai Law Firm
    Chemical engineering, material, semiconductor process, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, precision machinery, technology related to solar energy, battery, computer software, household products, and coatings.
  • Shang Lin LU
    Patent Attorney/CAP Patent Agent Qualification
    Mr. Lu works at the Technical Engineer Department in Giant Group. He is specialized in patent prosecution (drafting patent specification, argumentation of the response to official action as well as analysis and suggestion of official action), translation of patent specification and official action, patent search, patent invalidation, and infringement assessment. He is a professional consultant of Patent for our clients.

    B.S.  National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Department of
    Chemical Engineering
    M.S.  National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Department of
    Chemical Engineering
    Patent attorney
    Former assistant patent examiner of Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO)
    Patent prosecution, Infringement Assessment, Japanness Translation of Patent specification.
  • James DU
    Patent Attorney
    Mr. Du works with the Giant Group’s Department of Engineering, providing clients with professional advice and services, such as patent analysis, patent law consultation, and infringement analysis, prior art search, drafting responses to office actions, drafting local and overseas patent specifications. Mr. Du is specialized in patent cases pertaining to biological sciences and technologies, such as molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, microbiology, medical technologies, and pharmacological technologies.
    M.Sc., Department of Life Sciences, National Central University
    B.Sc., Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Biopharmaceuticals, National Chiayi University

    Patent attorney, Kuo, Chen & Partners

    Analysis, patent specification drafting, response drafting, prior art search & analysis, and patent law consultation, regarding biological sciences and technologies, such as molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, microbiology, medical technologies, and pharmacological technologies.
  • Jam CHANG
    Patent Attorney/Senior Patent Engineer
    Mr. Chang currently works in the Engineering Department of the Company, who is mainly responsible to assist customers in Taiwan and abroad in writing patent specifications.
    Patent search, and patent refusal defense.
    Master of Mechanical Engineering, NCHU
    Asia Liuh intellectual property office, Patent Attorney
    Titan International Patent & Trademark Office, Patent Engineer
    Mechanical engineering, automatic control, optics, and electromechanical integration.
  • Hsing-Chou LEE
    Patent Attorney/Senior Patent Engineer
    B.S. degree, National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Life Science
    M.S. degree, National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Chemistry
    Credit Courses (12-credits), National Chiao Tung University, Institute of Technology Law
    Credit Courses of Law (24-credits), National Taiwan University, School of Professional Education and Continuing Studies

    Research Assistant of National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Chemistry

    Patent prosecution, Infringement Assessment, English Translation of Patent specification.
  • Jun Ting YE
    Patent Attorney/Patent Engineer
    Mr. Ye works as a patent engineer for us. He focuses his work on drafting patent specifications in mechanical engineering and automated control, drafting responses to office actions, conducting patent search, performing infringement analysis, and translating patent-related documents from English and Japanese into Chinese.

    M.Sc., control division, mechanical engineering research institute, National Taiwan University
    B.Sc., department of mechanical engineering, National Taiwan University

    Patent engineer, North America Intellectual Property Corporation
    Patent engineer, Jiang Chyun Intellectual Property Group

    Mechanical engineering, automated control, mechanism design, mechano-electrical integration, 3D printing, and medical equipment design.
  • Lafrente LIU
    Patent Attorney/Patent Engineer
    He is responsible for domestic and international patent-related work, including drafting patent specifications, rejection analysis and defense, patent retrieval, validity analysis, infringement comparisons, and translation of Chinese, English, and Japanese patent documents. He has extensive experience in a wide range of fields, including optics, opto-electronic systems, electronic circuits, biomedical chips and sensors, biophysics, semiconductor processes and instrument components, system integration, programming and analog computing, and law. He has also received factory level awards for developing automated process programs when working at TSMC, and he excels in combining cross-discipline technologies.
    Master's degree in Physics, National Taiwan University
    Bachelor's degree in Physics, National Taiwan Normal University
    Outstanding Students Award, Session 27 of Legal Credits Class, National Taiwan University

    Patent attorney, Kuo, Chen & Partners

    Optics, photovoltaics, opto-mechanical systems, mechatronics, electronic circuits, biomedical optoelectronics, biomedical wafers, biomedical sensing, biotechnology, biophysics, molecular biology, micro-nanoflow, semiconductor processes, semiconductor instruments and components, image processing, analog computing, programming, automated processes.
  • Amber CHANG
    Patent Attorney/Patent Engineer
    She assists domestic and foreign clients in drafting new patent applications, patent rejection defense, PIS defense and translations of Japanese patent documents.

    Bachelor's degree in Financial Finance/Materials Science, School of Technology
    Management, National Tsing Hua University
    Master's degree in Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, National Taiwan University

    Taoyuan Branch, The Society of Wilderness
    Taipei Branch, Legal Aid Foundation

    Design patents, material science, labor law, patent Japanese

  • Johnny TSENG
    Senior Patent Engineer
    Mr. Chang Wei has been a patent engineer for 18 years.

    Department of Electrical Engineering, Fu-Hsin Arts and Trade School
    Mechanics, thermodynamics, heat conduction, heat convection, heat radiation, hydrodynamics, fluid mechanics, refrigeration and air-conditioning mechanics, mechanism design.
  • Samantha LI
    Senior Patent Engineer
    Pei Hsun Li works in the Engineering Department of the Company for assisting in the processing of patent applications for domestic and foreign clients, mainly responsible for the compilation of patent specifications, answering vetting opinions, patent retrieval and handling patent-related reexamination procedures in the fields of electronic circuits and communications.
    Master’s degree in Communications Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University
    Work Experience
    North America Intellectual Property Corp. Patent Engineer
    Saint Island International Patent & Law Offices Patent Engineer
    Electronic circuit engineering, communication systems, signal processing, financial technology and photoelectricity related technology
  • Kendrick CHUNG
    Senior Patent Engineer
    Mr. Chung has wealth experience in handling domestic and international patent cases, such as patent prosecution, drafting response to official action, analysis of validity of Patent, patent search and English translation of patent specification, particularly in the fields of Electronics and Electrical Engineering.

    B.S. National Taiwan University, 
    Department of Electrical Engineering

    Lewis & Davis Patent Attorneys Office
    Sundial Intellectual Property Law Firm

    Taiwan International Standard Electronic
    Compal Electronics, INC.

    Patent prosecution, drafting response to official action and English translation of patent specification in the fields of Electronics and Electrical Engineering.
  • Omar LU
    Senior Patent Engineer

    He is responsible for drafting patent specifications, retrieval reports, and rejection defense in electrical and electronic equipment, computer software, and internet communication. His experience in academic institutions enables him to assist clients in clarifying the ownership of their intellectual property, and in obtaining protection for their intellectual property.

    B.S. in Engineering, St. John's University

    Associate Director, Patent Department, Yuso International Patent & Trademark Office
    Intellectual Property Manager, Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Center, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
    Project Manager, P&T Transfer Center, National Taipei University of Science and Technology
    Senior Patent Engineer, Portal-International IPR Group
    Patent Engineer, Taiwan Advance Patent & Trademark Office
    Electronic circuits, network communication, computer software, LCD panel, semiconductor process

  • Elsa JIAN
    Senior Patent Engineer

    Elsa Jian works in the Mechanical Division of the Engineering Department of the Company for assisting in the processing of domestic and foreign patent-related matters for clients such as patent search, patent applications, patent defense, patent invalidation, patent infringement analysis and patent validity analysis.
    Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, National Central University
    Bachelor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yuan Ze University
    Work Experience
    Five Continents International Patent and Trademark Office Patent Department Manager
    Well-chief International Patent and Trademark Office Patent Engineer
    Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
    Patent search, patent application, patent defense, patent invalidation, patent infringement analysis, patent validity analysis

  • Tsung Cheng CHEN
    Senior Patent Engineer
    He assists clients with domestic and international patent-related matters, such as patent retrieval, patent application, and patent defense.

    M.S. in Information Engineering, I-Shou University
    B.S. in Information Engineering, I-Shou University

    Patent Engineer, Five Continents International Patent and Trademark Office
    Patent Engineer, IPYUSO International Intellectual Property Office
    Network Communication, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Financial Technology, Business Model, Image Processing, Text Mining, Text Analysis
  • Watson CHAN
    Patent Engineer
    Watson works in the Engineering Department of the Company for assisting in the processing of patent applications for domestic and foreign clients, mainly responsible for the compilation of patent specifications, analyzing and responding to office actions, patent search and handling patent-related procedures in the field of computer software.
    Master’s degree in Graduate Institute of Patent, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
    Bachelor, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
    Work Experience
    JOU AND JOU PATENT OFFICES Patent Engineer and Sales Representative
    Electronic circuits, power electronics, detection equipment, multimedia devices, IoT, computer software, AI, computer network, patentability search and analysis, patent data quantification and industry analysis